Thursday, March 26, 2020

Advantages Of A Supplemental Chemistry Tutor

Advantages Of A Supplemental Chemistry TutorWhen people think of helping out with their SAT or ACT preparation, most would think about getting an individual who specializes in a certain subject, and there are also the commercial methods that can be used to help with individual efforts. While some individuals that study the coursework for the test on their own can become good at it, there are many advantages that are not available for individuals who study under the tutelage of an organic chemistry tutor. The types of teaching that are available include the use of textbooks, and there are also other methods that are used to help individuals get better. The benefits to studying under an organic chemistry tutor include the following:Since this is a teaching that is hands-on, it's much more effective for individuals who are particularly skilled at it to have someone working with them. Another major advantage that is the result of taking a test on your own is that you will learn much fast er. Individuals that study under an organic chemistry tutor take a variety of tests as well as time gaps in between them. As an individual looks to make improvements, they can do so without having to wait between testing periods.Overall test score can improve with study under an organic chemistry tutor. The theory behind the subject and the resources that are available to individuals that study chemistry and mathematics through classes are very valuable when it comes to the standards of knowledge that are required to pass the various sections of the ACT or SAT exams. Many people who take practice test questions and answer them correctly and then submit them to test publishers for consideration for scores can see an increase in their overall score by taking tests in a short period of time. This is what an organic chemistry tutor does.Using a tutor and tutoring sessions in addition to classroom study is better for individual study and for students in that it helps to get better at it. As an individual studies and thinks about their preparations for the various sections of the test, there are tests that will be available to them that they can practice and examine for perfect scores. The advantage to this method is that it can be a great learning tool and one that can help individuals think about how to apply what they have learned to the various situations that they will encounter on the tests.A tutor can provide individuals with support that can come from both the individual that is helping them, and the instructor that is assisting them. There are both advantages and disadvantages to working with a tutor that is on campus. While there is the advantage of the individual being able to work with the individual tutor that is available to them, there are also some advantages to having someone outside of the class. Some individuals who plan to study under an organic chemistry tutor also may wish to do so outside of school, as the days can be hectic with school, and t hose that study this way will definitely need extra support from an outside source.The side benefit of going to class and taking tests as well as help with how to study at home is that there are lots of materials that are available to individuals that are looking to do so. With the focus on making sure that individuals get the best possible score when it comes to their test takers, there are resources available that can help with materials that can be used in school. People who study under an organic chemistry tutor have all of the benefits that are available to students that are taking classes on their own. There are great resources for materials that can be used in class and there are also an individual for each individual that has the resources that can help individuals get better at studying.So when individuals are looking to get better and for individuals that are studying to take the tests, they can get what they need by getting an organic chemistry tutor. They can find many m aterials that are available to help with individual efforts, which can be a huge help for those that want to study and work hard for it.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Useful Italian Phrases and Tips for Dating

Useful Italian Phrases and Tips for Dating Brooke Neuman Navigating through the complex world of dating is hard enough, let alone trying to do it in a foreign country. Below, Italian teacher Nadia B. shares some useful Italian phrases and tips for dating Youve tried Italian cuisine, explored every inch of the Vatican, and survived your first Italian conversation. Is dating an Italian next on your bucket list? Perhaps youre planning on studying abroad in Italy, or youre simply mesmerized by the sophisticated allure of Italians. Whatever the case, dating in Italy is quite different from your local dating scene back home. Below are some useful Italian phrases and tips for dating so you can navigate the Italian dating world  con gusto. But first, lets go over some Italian dating tips: Helpful Tips for Dating Italians While theyre arent any hard and fast rules to dating Italiansas every individual is differentthere are some things to keep in mind as you play the field. Below are some helpful tips for both men and women: Italians are a very fashionable bunch. If you want to attract a date, be sure to dress appropriately at all times. Torn, revealing, or heavily worn clothing are a big no-no. Ladies, dont be too showy. Italian men are drawn to women who are elegant, funny, and intelligent. Bottom line, be your charming self! Italians are often outgoing  and expressive. Dont be alarmed if your date gets enthusiastic, as he or she is just expressing his or her emotions. Family is very important to Italians. Be  respectful of that and show an interest in getting  to know and learning about your significant others family members. Useful Italian Phrases for Dating Whats the key to a successful relationship? Communication.  To make sure that you can successfully communicate with your date, brush up on your Italian language with these useful Italian phrases: Below are some useful Italian phrases for sparking up a conversation with someone who peaks your interest: Posso offrirti qualcosa? (Can I buy you a drink?) Come stai? (How are you?) Posso unirmi a te? (Can I join you?) If you like the person you meet, you might continue to see each other. Here are some words associated with dating: farsi delle storie (to see each other) uscire (to go out on a date, but it can also be used in a more general context of leaving the house to go out somewhere) accompagnarsi (to go with, accompany) Italians enjoy doing various activities with the person they’re dating. For example, you might find yourself doing any one of the activities below: fare una passeggiata (taking a walk) andare al cinema (going to the movies) cucinare insieme (cooking together) Once you start seeing someone, you might want to clarify your relationship. The following words will help you to explain  the status of your relationship: il mio ragazzo/la mia ragazza (my boyfriend/my girlfriend) il mio fidanzato/la mia fidanzata (my fiancé/my fiancée) il mio amante/la mia amante (my lover [male/female]) innamorarsi (to fall in love [with each other]) divertirsi (to have fun) relazione, rapporto (relationship) As you fall more in love with the person youre dating, you may want to use more affectionate names for them.  There are many possibilities when it comes to affectionate terms for your partner, but here is a sampling of some of the most typical: amore (love) tesoro (honey or literally meaning treasure) cucciolo (my pet or literally meaning puppy) Learn more romantic Italian phrases here! The better you are at speaking Italian and understanding the customs of Italy, the easier you’ll find it to date in Italy.  Dating an Italian can be a fascinating, fun, and unique experience. Who knows, you may just find eternal love (amore eterno)!f Post Author:  Nadia B. Nadia B. teaches Italian in New York, NY. She graduated summa cum laude from New York University, with a double degree in Italian Language and Literature and Classical Music Performance.  Learn more about Nadia here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

3 Reasons to Consider Private Tutoring

3 Reasons to Consider Private Tutoring Improving Academic Performance On the surface, there are many reasons why students and parents consider private tutoring, but in essence they boil down to three fundamental reasons. The general reasons for hiring a private tutor are listed here in order of reactiveness to proactiveness. 1. When There’s A Problem The majority of people looking for a tutor are hoping to solve a problem. These are parents seeking out tutors because their kids’ report cards are unsatisfactory, or college students looking for help after they bomb the midterm. The motivation for these sorts of people is primarily damage control, and once the problem is solved they intend to go back to business as usual. They see private tutoring as a last resort tactic, sort of like stopping at a gas station and asking for directions. 2. When You Want To Avoid Having A Problem Parents and students who fall into this category are often concerned with maintaining a high standard, perhaps with specific educational or career goals in mind. These are parents who want to ensure that their kids maintain a 4.0 GPA, or college students who want to be sure they get into a specific graduate program. People in this category often have a fixed plan for themselves or their kids and want to keep things within parameters. They are likely to seek private tutoring as a form of good grade insurance, largely for the peace of mind. 3. When You Want To Ensure Excellence And Build A Foundation For Long Term Learning This is the smallest category, consisting of students who want to take advantage of every opportunity to develop themselves and parents who want to maximize the value of their children’s education. The motivation here is not image or performance, but the joy of fulfilling one’s potential. They don’t even think in terms of problems, they take it for granted that they or their kids will do their best no matter what and seek only opportunities for growth. Realistically, which category do you fit into? Ideally, which one would you like to place yourself in? As a private tutor myself, I know how easy it can be to merely focus on solving and avoiding problems. I also know how much more fulfilling and empowering it is to focus on growth and opportunity, and I know which types of clients I prefer to work with. While it can be tempting to lament the state of public education, I choose instead to be grateful for the opportunity to further my own educational journey through the mentorship of eager and inquiring minds. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(215486, '6baac2ae-05a3-4610-9d1f-265c8cbd809f', {});

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Four Benefits of Reading Aloud

Four Benefits of Reading Aloud Teachers of young students often read aloud to them, but the truth is, its valuable to do so even with older students. Here are four powerful benefits of reading aloud: Youll model fluent reading. Hearing you read out loud shows students what fluent reading should sound like. Youll demonstrate good pacing, proper pronunciation, how to pause for punctuation, and how to emphasize words in appropriate places. Youll help students build their auditory learning style. Some students are naturally good listeners, while others could use the practice to strengthen their auditory learning skills. Reading aloud encourages your students to focus when you are speaking in order to retain what you say and apply it to what they already know. Youll promote literacy and listening skills. Especially from an early age, reading out loud to students helps them acquire many of the building blocks necessary to read themselves. It also helps students grow their vocabulary because they hear a wider variety of words in use. When possible, have students read along with the book or printed paper in front of them. This supports weaker readers who can follow the text while listening to you and builds all students comprehension. Youll bring stories to life. Theres nothing quite like reading aloud to bring your students together for a shared, special experience. When you choose a class book and carve out class time to read it, you instill a love of literature into your students and give them something to look forward to each day. Whether its detailed directions for an assignment or a class novel, keep reading aloud to your students when it makes sense. The benefits are numerous!

How to pass Maths GCSE

How to pass Maths GCSE GCSE maths is a core subject that you need to pass as it's a must-have for higher education qualifications, universities, apprenticeships and a wide range of careers. Passing maths GCSE requires knowledge of various mathematical basics, as well as more advanced maths theory. The following are all core areas both in the foundation and higher tier GCSE. (1) Number - fractions decimals, percentages(2) Algebra - quadratic equations, factorising, indices(3) Ratio, proportion and rates of change - compound measures, measurements(4) Geometry and measures - angle theorems, 3 D shapes, vectors(5) Trigonometry - Pythagoras theorem, congruency (6) Statistics and probability - averages, data, sampling Step one: Practice all the time Aside from tutors and teachers, there are many websites and revision guides that offer tips on everything you may come across in the maths GCSE syllabus. It's good to practice what you learn as you go as this helps with memorization. Read practice questions and familiarise yourself with how questions are asked and what various terms mean. A tutor or teacher can help here to understand what examiners want to see in your answers. Write down - this means no explanation is needed for an answer. Just answer. Calculate - this means solve, and show your working out Draw - this means plot accurately using the graph paper Step two: Use the official syllabus as a revision checklist If you don't know where this is, ask your maths teacher/tutor and read through each part so you have everything covered by the time your exam comes around. Step three: Show the working out on exam questions To get a high grade, you need to write down every step of your working out, when asked. This is because even if you get the answer wrong, you will get some marks for providing a partially-correct solution. Step four: Memorise formulas Both memorisation and practice that will bring you a top grade in GCSE maths. And the best way to improve memory retention is by repetition; keep doing practice questions over and over again. Step five: Revise everything you have studied That's everything from year 10 and 11 as you never know what questions you will be asked so check through all the key subject areas (see above). Step six: Read the questions properly Make sure you understand what the question is asking, as some will be 'multi-step' questions. For example, part (b) of a question might require you to know information from part (a). The number of marks is given at the end of each question or part question. Step seven: Check your answers It's really easy to make small mistakes when you're stressed, so always factor in some time to check your work and answers. Step eight: Ask and accept help Asking for help from a maths tutor or teacher doesn't mean you cannot do maths. It's simply a way of ensuring you have a good understanding of the subject knowledge and strategies around revision and exam technique.

5 Golden Trips to Ace Tests

5 Golden Trips to Ace Tests Students attending tests need to be well prepared in order to succeed. Each student may be of different type while studying and handling exams. For example, she may study well but face some problems while writing exams. Some may not focus on studies but score well in competitive exams. Here are few tips for students and personal tutors to focus on competitive exams and bring success. Five Golden Tips to Ace Test 1. High Self-Confidence You can take tests easily if you have confidence in yourself. Exams are not your enemies; it is through exams you are going to decide your career. Therefore never hate or fear for exams. Have belief that you can pass and aim for it. You won’t get distracted if you know your abilities and seek for success. 2. Plan Well and set-up a Schedule Once when you decide to take over the competitive exams then plan ahead of exams, may be a month before exams. Therefore you get enough time to plan and study accordingly. Prepare a daily study schedule and strictly follow it. 3. Prepare Necessary Study Materials This is one of most important thing to be followed. You can go to libraries or ask your friends, private tutors for competitive exams study guide. Speed in solving mathematical problems is necessary. You can solve the problems easily only when you have practices. 4. Put forth hard work to achieve success Focus on your goal and work for it. Initially try to learn for four to five hours per day. Then gradually increase your study timings. Also have regular reviews on already studied chapters therefore it brings confidence and satisfaction. 5. Get help from skilled tutors Guidance is important when you take up the exam for first time. Few students need help if they fail in competitive exams and trying to write it for next time. Get help from talented and reliable personal tutors. You can get individual attention in studies through them. To find tutors, you can surf some trust worthy tutoring sites and hire a tutor. Personal tutors play a major role while helping students to win in competitive exams. They need to follow certain essential things while tutoring students for exam. Here we can see the tips for tutors. Analyze students capability Don’t teach all chapters in first class itself, students feel frustrated and over dumped. Initially teach easy chapters and then gradually move on to tough subjects. This brings confidence and learning satisfaction among students. Be flexible in teaching Some students are playful and some are serious while studying. Therefore teach according to students mind set. Understand the student’s capacity and approach them by giving real time examples. Give regular assignments and tests: Through regular assignments and periodic tests, you can understand where students lack. Therefore you can teach those specific subjects again to make them understand and learn well. Track students progress for each test they undergo. Thus private tutors and students can walk together to bring success in career path.

Biology Tutor in Merced, CA

Biology Tutor in Merced, CA Meet our new Biology Tutor Sravani M.  She lives in Merced, CA  and specializes in biology,  biology (molecular),  cell biology,  essay writing, math, algebra, trigonometry. Sravani Mylavarapu graduated from the University of California, Merced with a Biological Sciences degree and a minor in Psychology. Throughout  her college career,  she learned to perfect  her time management and organization skills in order to become successful. This included attending office hours provided by teaching assistants and professors to stay on top of the material. Sravani was able to understand what was expected of  her by being in close contact with professors and teachers so  she could direct  her learning appropriately. Sravani used this knowledge to perfect her test scores over time and become more confident as  she finished receiving  her degree. Sravani would like to spread this knowledge by being a tutor as  she can help with the study material as well as provide tips in order to be a great student. Sravani can connect with   students and help them understand what they need to know in order to improve test scores and become adept over time. She  will create lesson plans which are appropriate for each student as well as the subject matter to ensure that the best system is available. She will ensure to find the students strengths and weaknesses in order to create a lesson that can be catered to them. Feel free to contact  Sravani or other tutors on if you have any questions. Our tutors are here to help you! Biology Tutor in Merced, CA Meet our new Biology Tutor Sravani M.  She lives in Merced, CA  and specializes in biology,  biology (molecular),  cell biology,  essay writing, math, algebra, trigonometry. Sravani Mylavarapu graduated from the University of California, Merced with a Biological Sciences degree and a minor in Psychology. Throughout  her college career,  she learned to perfect  her time management and organization skills in order to become successful. This included attending office hours provided by teaching assistants and professors to stay on top of the material. Sravani was able to understand what was expected of  her by being in close contact with professors and teachers so  she could direct  her learning appropriately. Sravani used this knowledge to perfect her test scores over time and become more confident as  she finished receiving  her degree. Sravani would like to spread this knowledge by being a tutor as  she can help with the study material as well as provide tips in order to be a great student. Sravani can connect with   students and help them understand what they need to know in order to improve test scores and become adept over time. She  will create lesson plans which are appropriate for each student as well as the subject matter to ensure that the best system is available. She will ensure to find the students strengths and weaknesses in order to create a lesson that can be catered to them. Feel free to contact  Sravani or other tutors on if you have any questions. Our tutors are here to help you!

5 Tips to Manage School Stress

5 Tips to Manage School Stress School can be a stressful place for any child. Often going back to school after a half-term break or a long holiday can be hard for a child. Getting back into a routine, knowing they will have homework and early nights again can make a child feel stressed. Expectations of children are higher than ever before and let's be honest, if your child is stressed out then you are going to be stressed out too. There are plenty of ways to alleviate stress for both yourself and your child. Here are five tips to help you keep those stress levels at bay. 1. Be an understanding parent As parents we want the best for our children and sometimes we think that by adding a little pressure we will get them to work harder. Encouraging your child to do the best they can is great but if they don't get the grades they, or you, were expecting there is no need to get angry. As long as you know they have tried their best that is all that matters. Also, your child may be complaining about having to go to school. They may be having problems understanding homework they have been set or not coping with their maths work. Listen to your child and try to get to the root of any problems calmly. If they are struggling with their work you could always sit and try and work it through with them and if that isn't enough you could seek the help of a private tutor. Your child could be having issues with bullying or with a teacher that they feel 'doesn't like them'. If you know the problem you will be able to deal with it more efficiently and if your child feels that you understand what they are going through you'll be able to deal with things in a much more understanding way. 2. Make sure kids are in bed at a reasonable time Children need sleep to be able to fully function and it is recommended that they have a good ten hours sleep through the night. By ensuring your children have a good bedtime routine not only are you making sure they reap the benefits of a proper nights sleep but you will also have some wind-down time of your own before heading off to make sure you get a good eight hours sleep. Having a structured bedtime during the week will ensure your child gets into a good routine and as long as you stick to it they will get used to the same time each night being bedtime. Make sure your child finishes any homework or school preparation with plenty of time to relax before they head off for the night. 3. Laugh with your children Laughter really is the best way to alleviate stress. Laughing out loud increases oxygen and blood flow which reduces stress levels. Laughing is easy; tell some jokes, watch a funny TV program together or even have a tickling session! And the great thing with laughter is that is rather infectious. Watching your children laugh lightens your heart and takes away both their and your stresses. 4. Enjoy music In the same way laughter alleviates stress so does music. Just listening to some music together with your child can break down those stress barriers. Putting on some fun music and dancing around the lounge or playing some fun karaoke tunes to see who can belt out Grease's 'Summer Nights' the best will have you both relaxing and shaking off any stress you both may have from the day. 5. Go back to a time without technology Phones, tablets, i-pads, computers and television have taken over our lives like never before. If you are not on social media 'liking' your friends latest picture of their chihuahua, you'll be playing 'words with friends' with a stranger from New Zealand. And at the same time your child will probably be posting their latest Selfie on Facebook, creating ridiculous pictures on Snapchat or playing Mine-craft with their friends. I am shocked at the growing number of toddlers skilfully swiping their fingers over a screen. Technology can often bring on more stress than we realise and take away quality family time. Exercise is a great way of relieving stress and can be fun too. Try taking some time-out from all your gadgets and spend some quality time with your children. A nice walk to the park, a family game of football, a fun board game or just some good conversation will not only mean spending some quality family time it can help melt away stresses and fill your home with a calm and peaceful atmosphere. To conclude Children and stress do not have to go hand-in-hand. The best way to help your child is to be supportive and a good role-model. If your child can see that the stress isn't getting to you it will be a lot easier for them to fight the stress away too, leaving the home (and school) environment a more peaceful one.

How to Find Percent Error in Chemistry

How to Find Percent Error in ChemistryIf you are a chemistry student or even someone who has a general knowledge of chemistry, you may well have wondered how to find percent error in chemistry. This type of error can occur if the experiment is performed incorrectly and will create results that are not correct.A simple way to explain what this error is, is to give an example. Let's say that we are using a chemical for testing a certain substance and then we forget to add it to the solution. That substance then takes on a different colour. The problem here is that your apparatus is not the correct one and you've just got a false result.In order to find percent error in chemistry, you need to have the correct apparatus. This may mean you do need to purchase some other apparatus, but the most important thing is that you get the correct one.The first place to look is for an online website that contains the formula for the substance that you are testing. You can use this website to help fi nd out how to find percent error in chemistry. However, the next step is to purchase the formula, which is usually supplied by the university or college that you are studying at. If you cannot find this on the website, then you can order it from the manufacturer.Once you have the formula, the next step is to perform the experiment, and this is where the error comes into play. The experimenter needs to make sure that the right reagent is added to the correct container. This is where you need to understand the mistake that you made and repeat the procedure again. Once you have done this several times, you should see that the results you get are correct.The most common way to find percent error in chemistry is to give the experiment the correct ingredients and then have someone else write down the results. It may be advisable to hold off for a few days, just to make sure that you've really found the solution that you wanted. This is because the results may change slightly after being s tored in the laboratory for a period of time. It may also be advisable to leave the solution on a long enough period so that the concentration of the substance is high enough.By carefully following these steps, you should find how to find percent error in chemistry, which is pretty easy to do. Sometimes, it may take a bit of time to find the right solution but the results will always be right. Just remember that to find percent error in chemistry you need to buy the right reagent.